Missing Features
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CHeaderPlusAttributeCustom inspector property header that allows using an icon, a custom header label text and a custom header label color
 CHideOnPlayAttributeHides the property in PlayMode. The behaviour can be inverted with the 'invert' parameter so the property is visible only in PlayMode
 CHideOnPrefabAttributeHides the property in PrefabMode. The behaviour can be inverted with the 'invert' parameter so the property is visible only in PrefabMode
 CLabelPlusAttributeCustom inspector property label that allows using an icon, a custom label text and a custom label color
 CLayerAttributeAttribute to select a single layer
 CReadOnlyOnPlayAttributePrevents a property from being edited on the inspector in PlayMode. The behaviour can be inverted so the property is editable only in PlayMode
 CReadOnlyOnPrefabAttributePrevents a property from being edited on the inspector in PrefabMode. The behaviour can be inverted so the property is editable only in PrefabMode
 CReadOnlyPropAttributePrevents a property from being edited on the inspector
 CReadOnlyPropConditionalAttributeMakes a property editable or not into the editor based on a bool method returned value
 CReadOnlyPropIfAttributeMakes the current property editable or not on the inspector based on a serialized bool property value
 CSceneAttributeDisplays a dropdown list of available build settings Scenes (must be used with a 'string' typed property)
 CShowPropConditionalAttributeShows or hides a property based on a bool method returned value
 CShowPropIfAttributeShows or hides the current property on the inspector based on a serialized bool property value
 CTagAttributeDisplays a dropdown list of available Tags (must be used with a 'string' typed property)
 CRendererColorSetterA simple color setter component meant to be plugged to UnityEvent for setting color without scripting. Works with Renderer
 CSpriteRendererColorSetterA simple color setter component meant to be plugged to UnityEvent for setting color without scripting. Works with SpriteRenderer
 CForceAdderA component that can add force and/or torque to physics objects
 CForceAdder2DA component that can add force and/or torque to 2D physics objects
 CVelocitySetterA component that can sets the velocity and/or angular velocity to physics objects
 CVelocitySetter2DA component that can sets the velocity and/or angular velocity to 2D physics objects
 CSimpleRendererColorAnimatorA simple color animator component for simple Renderer color animation
 CSimpleSpriteRendererColorAnimatorA simple color animator component for simple SpriteRenderer color animation
 CSimpleTransformAnimatorA simple motion animator component for simple Transform animation
 CBetterToggleGroupA component inspired by the native ToggleGroup component, but allowing events firing at group level. Note: you should not rely anymore on the individual Toggle components events when referenced into a group
 CButtonClickerA component that can click on a button
 CDebugLoggerA component with public methods that you can plug to UnityEvents callback to debug events firing
 CDestroyerA component that can destroy objects
 CDontDestroyOnLoadComponentA component that places its related gameobject into the DontDestroyOnLoad scene on Start
 CInstantiatorA component that can instantiate objects
 CParentSetterA component for setting the parent of a Transform
 CUnityEventComponentA simple component to hold and fire a UnityEvent as a component
 CBooleanReverseEventA component to plug between a UnityEvent<bool> and a method that accepts an boolean parameter to reverse its value
 CFloatToIntEventA component to plug between a UnityEvent<float> and a method that accepts an int parameter
 CToStringEventA component to plug between a UnityEvent and a method that accepts an string parameter. Supported types are bool, int and float
 CLifeCycleEventsA component that offers UnityEvent fields for Unity's lifecycle callback methods
 CMouseEventsA component that offers UnityEvent fields for Unity's mouse callback methods
 CPhysicsEventsA component that offers UnityEvent fields for Unity's physics callback methods and sleep state changes
 CPhysics2DEventsA set of 2D physics events for entering, staying and exiting state
 CPhysics2DEventsSetA set of 2D physics events for triggers and collisions
 CPhysics3DEventsA set of 3D physics events for entering, staying and exiting state
 CPhysics3DEventsSetA set of 3D physics events for triggers and collisions
 CPhysicsSleepEventsA set of physics events related to sleeping state changes
 CTimerAn object that fires events base on time
 CTimerEventA component that fires events base on time
 CVisibleEventsA component that offers UnityEvent fields for Unity's visible callback methods
 CLightDataUtilitary class to store Light data
 CPoseDataUtilitary class to store Pose data
 CTransformDataUtilitary class to store Transform data